
Join The Movement Project

Discover a gym alternative that fits your life! Join now and relish unlimited classes with no joining fee through our monthly memberships. Prefer flexibility? Choose our class bundles, available in sets of four or twelve, to seamlessly integrate fitness into your schedule. Embrace a new way to stay active!

Purchase your TMP membership or class bundles below.

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    Choose membership or a class bundle

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    Sign up and create your account

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    Book your class

Club Training

Performance-Based Team Training

Dissecting the physiological profile of each sport to influence your training program, TMP builds mobility to facilitate variability of movement and mitigate joint degradation. Our trainers instil accountability, dedication and leadership to help your team actively improve, stay in their game and play to win.

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The Movement Project

The foundation for everything we do, strengthening movement and improving ranges of motion enables mobility and progresses ability. Arguably the most innovative training space in Cornwall, we bridge the gap between science and training to create tangible change and enable you to train for the body you need.

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